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About Us


A disciplined life has a major role in empowering the mind to manage any critical situation. Yoga is a disciplined way of life. It deals body mind and spirit.


Music is the rhythm of life.

Competitive Exams

Students are encouraged to appear in the nationally repute competitive exams like Science and Maths Olympiads, Talent Search Exams etc.

Physical education

Apart from academics, the school lays special emphasis on various games and sports and co-curricular activities and students are encouraged to take part in inter-house and inter-school competitions. Under the Games and Sports different athletic events like Badminton, Table Tennis, Kho-Kho, Throw ball, Hockey, Football etc., are covered.

Junior Red Cross (JRC)

JUNIOR RED CROSS is introduced to the students of Class VIII and goes on with different activities up to class X. Self discipline, self-reliance, sense of Social Service, leadership qualities, patriotism are inculcated through this programme.

Computer Education

The school possesses well-equipped Computer Labs, separately for junior and senior class students. The Computer Education is compulsory from Class I onwards. Apart from the theory, the students are given practical classes in the Lab, where they work with educational software, programming skills etc.


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